Joseph Privet ~
husband of Nancy Eads and father of Carson and Marinda
Record Carroll County, 1850

This 1850 Carroll County census
places Joseph's father, Chester B., in his parents' household.
John Privett, age 38 is a farmer born in Surry Co., NC. His mother
is age 31, born in Wythe Co., VA.
Children: Sarah E., 13; Mary A., 11; Martha J., 9;
Chester B., 8; John, 7; Juliann, 5; Thursy F., 4; and
Elizabeth V., 1.
Perhaps Richard and Mary, living in the house next door to John and Thursy,
are the parents of John Privett.
It is obvious, from the birth places of the children, that this family
moved around a lot. We see that Richard
was born in Wake County, NC and Mary was born in Wilkes Co., NC. The
children at home were born
in Wythe Co., Va, Washington Co., VA and Carroll Co., VA. Wythe
County is the birthplace of John's wife
Thursy and all their children, including the youngest who is only
1-year-old. So Carroll Co. became their
home in the year of this census.
Census Record Kinderhood
District, Washington Co, VA 1860

The above two households were found in the
Kinderhook District in 1860. Jane's age is
consistent with later
records. Trying to keep the images small and yet legible, I left out
right-hand columns of the census record. However, there are check marks in
"married within the year" columns for both John and Jane. If
the age of 40 is correct for
John, born in NC, then he started having children
when he was 17 and hasn't hardly missed
a year while having 12 children of stairstep ages. (I think he was older,
though, because the
1850 census says he was 38 then.) The 1880 Census indicates that he went on and had
at least 4
more children with Jane.
Okay. I found the 1870 Census Record
(transcribed, not an actual copy) stating
Chester B. Privet's birth year as 1842
Co., Kinderhook Township, VA, Federal Census Index Page 135, Federal Population
Census Record Kinderhook
District, Washington Co., VA 1880

This record indicates that Jane Privet is a
45-year-old white female who is keeping house.
Daughters, Rachel, Sarah, and Susan are "at-home." Son, Richard,
is a farm laborer, and
son Chester B. is a farmer, 38-years-old. Chester B. is
actually her step-son. Then there is Sarah, a white female who is called a
"at home". And there is Joseph, a white male who
is called a grandson "farm laborer."
Apparently both John and Chester's wife, Rachel, have passed away.
Census Record Kinderhood
District, Washington Co, VA 1900
This record indicates that Joseph Privet is the head
of household, with wife Nannie E. and father
Chester B. living with him.
This record of Chester's age gives us a birthdate: September 1848.
Earlier records place his birth year
as 1842 or 1843. If it was 1843, it is understandable how the 3 could have been
mistaken for an 8. So
1843 is probably correct.
It is interesting to note that the family of
W. K. Eades, with wife Sarah F. and children Martin L., Lucy L., Rinda A., Susan
John L. and Joseph A. were living next door to the Joseph Privet
household at this time. We know that Joseph and Nannie
later bought a
piece of property just off of Benham's road a couple miles from the water
reservoir and built a two-story
saltbox-style Victorian home. A
smokehouse, spring house, orchard and garden made it a real old-fashioned "homeplace."
(I have a favorite childhood memory of waking up in the room called the
parlor, to the left when entering the front door. We were
visiting and I got to sleep in a feather bed with Aunt Ida while Mom slept with
Sherry and Patsy in the "big" bed. We had a fire in
the fireplace that
night. I don't have a cozier memory than that one.--If any of my cousins
have memories they would like to share,
please email them to me and tell me what
I may share on this website.
joseph and nancy privette of Washington County Virginia